Saturday, 12 October 2013

Pokémon :Orange Islands - A Scare in the Air

Brock and Misty sit outside a store while Ash buys some supplies. Brock checks a tour guide and comments on the beaches (and girls) on Volencia Island. He then wonders aloud about how they'll get there. Misty says that she wants to get there A.S.A.P. so she can work on her tan. Ash walks out the doors laden down with groceries and tells them that if they walk, they can get to Volencia Island in about a month. Brock points out that there are blimps that can take them there in less than a day, but they can't afford it.
Nearby, a man at a table rings a bell, announcing that they have a winner. Another man hands a woman and her daughter a set of kitchen magnets. They tell everyone nearby that all they need to do to enter is to give them a receipt from the store and they could win round-trip airfare on a blimp to Volencia Island. How convenient. Ash decides to enter, despite the fact that there is a slim chance they'll win. Much to their surprise, he does.
Meanwhile, Team Rocket is contacting their boss in the forest. He tells them that he is transferring them to the "Dirigible Division" aka the "Blimp Brigade." All three are honored that he did so and thank him profusely. After cutting the connection, the boss tells Persian that the blimps are really worse-for-wear. He snickers to himself.
Later, Ash and his friends arrive at the airfield. Misty comments on how beat up it looks, but Ash tells her not to worry. Two airfield workers ask them if they're going on the blimp. After Ash says that they are, the two men tell them that rumor is that the blimp is haunted by ghosts. Suddenly, two attendants (Jessie and James) appear and usher them aboard, telling them that the two men are from a rival blimp company. Nearby, Meowth speculates that the boss must have known that Ash and his friends would be riding.